Thats why this list includes mod-packs as opposed to specific mods within those packs, that way you can get the most bang for your buck Additionally, Twinfinite has tested the compatibility of all 10 of these mods working at the same time, resulting in very few bugs and no game crashes, however every gaming rig is different and results may vary. Torchlight, due to technical limitations, has a limit of 10 mods running at once. To the gamers out there versed in modding their games, like the fans of Fallout and Skyrim used to having over 150 mods working at once, Torchlight is a different change of pace.

These mods range from minor, like a slight change to your UI, to enormous changes, like dozens of hours of new content. Torchlight 2 Crashing On Startup Mods Range From Yes, it could be considered cheating to let you start with whats essentially an end-game pet buff, but dont act like you wouldnt love to have a flying Dragon right from the get-go Using the mod, it doesnt take you out of the experience as much as youd first think, as you eventually get used to the unique pet being less of an actual pet and more of an ally. Torchlight 2 Crashing On Startup By raiphocati1971 Follow | Public